The fall months are a perfect time to recharge. Summers are usually so busy, packed with weekend trips, twilight al fresco dinners, and squeezing in as much as you can before the colder weather begins to settle in. I love summer and all the activities that come with it, but by the time autumn rolls around, it’s easy to feel drained, and maybe even a little burned out. Before the holiday craziness settles in, this is a perfect time to regroup, recharge, and reconnect with yourself. 

I’m sharing five ideas below to help you get your tank back to full and ready to keep slaying.

Go somewhere that makes your problems feel small

Great Falls

There’s nothing quite like exploring a new (or old favorite) location, somewhere that inspires awe in you and is a reminder that there is so much good in the world. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stresses, but find somewhere that reminds you of how amazing this world is. It’s such a powerful way to help yourself recharge.

Nature is a great way to escape and reset. Whether you love the beaches or mountains, or the desert or forest, there is no shortage of locations ready to take your breath away. Not a nature person? Try exploring a city. Getting lost in the hustle and bustle, the constant action, the tall buildings and beautiful architecture. Sometimes getting lost in a big city is a perfect way to put your problems and frustrations into perspective.

It doesn’t have to be somewhere far away or super expensive. I was just reminded of the joy of exploring areas nearby this weekend when visiting Great Falls, which is one of my favorite local spots to go hiking. Wherever it is, take yourself somewhere that you can just be.

Step outside of your comfort zone a bit

Lemon pots de creme with blackberry caramel sauce

Fall is a time of change, so what better time to step out of your comfort zone and try something new? Not something so big to stress you out, but just enough to exhilarate you. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut of your typical day-to-day. Trying new things, even small ones, can be a great way to keep you from feeling too stuck. I love to try new recipes to throw into my weekly meal plan, but you could also try a new fitness class, check out a new meetup, or try your hand at a new hobby.

Want to make that gorgeous lemon pots de creme with blackberry caramel sauce you see above? Check it out here, from Now, Forager:

Tackle something on your to-do list that you’ve been putting off

Checking things off your to-do list, whether physically or metaphorically, is such a satisfying feeling. However, when those items start to build up, it also can become a point of anxiety. It’s easy to continue moving particular to-do items to tomorrow, next week, or even next month. Try picking one of those and get it checked off your list. Not only will you be shortening your list, but you’ll also feel a sense of accomplishment (and maybe even relief). 

Plan a low-key day with your best mates

It’s not what you’re doing that’s important, but reconnecting with people that feed your soul. Planning elaborate weekend getaways for all your pals is a blast, but it’s also stressful. There’s something so rejuvenating in getting together with your best friends in a low-key situation, where the focus is just on feeding that friendship and connecting with each other.

Whip up some new (easy) recipes or just grab some wine and throw together a quick cheeseboard. Not feeling like cooking? Check out a new restaurant you’ve been wanting to try or maybe hit up an old favorite.

Need some ideas? Here are a few of my favorite easy recipes for entertaining:

Schedule a “me day”

This can mean different things to different people, but plan a day full of activities that you find relaxing and rejuvenating. Maybe that means going for a hike, hitting your nearest spa, or curling up and reading an entire book. I’m also a fan of at-home spa days, which can be customized to hit all your favorite things – long bath, face masks, manicure.

Share your favorite ways to recharge in the comments below!

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